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Showing posts from February, 2010

March Hares

White Rabbits and March Hares!...For tomorrow anyway!

Hair - Week Three

Winnie Caw discusses hair; "The 'crowning glory' is one of the most indestructible parts of the body. As such, a sudden loss of hair is unlucky, forecasting a decline in health, loss of property or failure in business. Red hair is associated with fiery-tempered people (e.g. Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth I); black and dark brown hair indicate strength; fair hair implies timidity. On a man, if the hair grows low on the forehead and back above the temples he will have a long life; if a woman's hair grows in a low point on her forehead ('widow's peak') she will outlive her husband. If a woman suddenly develops curls on her forehead her man has not long to live. Lank hair = a cunning nature; Curly hair = good natured, full of fun; Long hair = strength (e.g. Samson) and luck. It is said to be unlucky to have your hair cut when the moon is in the wane as this will cause it to fall out and lose its lustre. Cutting your own hair will tempt fate. To determine your ...


When looking for info on animal symbolism I came across this picture. It interests because of the way the hair is drawn. BLACKBIRD If two males are seen sitting together this is a very good omen. Should a blackbird nest anywhere in your house then you can look forward to a year of good fortune.

The growth/cut cycle

'Comedy' Coasters

I always find relevant stuff in charity shops...check out this diamond! It totally fits with the line of enquiry I'm going down on my residency.


Ted kept me company this Friday whilst I spent time drawing in the cafe...

Drawing Project

Coming soon...

Week 2 - Nexus Art Cafe

I have just finished my second week. What a brilliant opportunity to have my own space, it’s so inspirational being in the cafe environment and although I am hidden away in my warren a lot of the time(I am planning to emerge!!!), I love hearing the hustle and bustle of the cafe. I’ve had a few visitors this week who have popped in to see what I’m up to...please, if you’re curious I more than welcome the chance for people to see the space and discuss my work. My thoughts have turned more towards an installation of some sort. I feel like I’m in a little forest hideaway with my dark green carpeted walls, and the domestic space is very relevant. I have bought lots of leaves in the sale from Fred Aldous and I’m thinking of ways to intertwine them with objects in the, watch this space. Also, it’s surprising me how the environment is informing the way I work and causing me to approach it differently. I am creating a large collaged piece, which is not normally ...


Artist in residence Images - Week One, Nexus Art Cafe