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Showing posts from December, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Here are some festive illustrations to feast your eyes on. Have a very happy Christmas, it's Christmas Eve eve! I have always prefered the 23rd! Presents wrapped (except the one's Santa is delivery - he's sure to be very busy wrapping presents galore as we speak) and the house is almost 'Christmas' tidy. Feet up and a nice bottle of festive cider I think.Cheers everyone! Happy drawing x

Drawing 2011

  Above images by Fiona Meakin 2011 (copyright) Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2012! 2011 has been a productive and busy year, and one where I feel I have developed a way of working that is more disciplined than perhaps it was previously. I have found that I have cycles of productivity, so draw when I feel compelled to, which in turn produces ideas and designs for products such as toys, badges, homewares etc. I think I am making moves in the right direction of becoming a full time artist (or at least even more of a part-time one!). I have begun to sell prints of my illustrations through Chorlton Arts Festival Shop, developed a more coherent range of soft toy characters and begun to send my work out to publishers. At Fi & Me HQ we have upped our presence at craft fairs as intended, taken steps towards becoming self-employed, designed our branding, packaging and ethos. Lucy has master minded the business plan, built a website...

Pen and Ink Owl

by Fiona Meakin 2011

Two Weekends of Craft for Christmas!

What a busy weekend! Despite the rain, Saturday brought a lot of people down to Town Street in Marple Bridge for this year's Winter Wonderland . It was a magical, festive day - but a bit soggy! Thank you to our parents for lending the gazeebo with sides! Phew! I thought I would show you some pics of how we displayed our products over the weekend. The event at Stockport Town Hal l was particularly good because Pure Radio were there to promote the event and had been advertising on their station. Events at the Town Hall always seems really well organised so if you are starting out and thinking about doing Craft Fairs this may be a good one for you. Anyone who is a regular to Craft and Gift Fairs will know that foot fall can fluctuate drastically throughout the year depending on many factors so to have this fair advertised on Pure Radio was a definite bonus. We met and spoke to so many lovely customers and browsers over the last two weekends and would like to say a big thank you...