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Showing posts from November, 2012

'Waste Not' Guide to Sock Monkeys

Well, I have been busy making some more monkeys recently and have tried to waste as little of the left over socks as possible. If you use some good quality socks the cuff will have plenty of elastic in, and be quite thick. These make perfect little wrist bands! Bling them up with some buttons or bows and you have some cute sweat bands...

Jeego E-cards

Lucy and I (at Fi&Me HQ) are very excited about our new collaboration with Jeego! We have had some of our whimsical designs animated! Over the last year we have been playing around with puns. Personally, I love this technique to create captions that compliment the illustrations. Sometimes I will come up with the words which create the perfect character in my mind. Other times I will have had a drawing in my sketchbook for ages and by leafing through the pages an idea will pop into my mind for the ideal pun. Our latest e-cards are available on the app to send to friends and family! What I love about Jeego is the range of greetings, there is something for every occasion. Our images are available for licencing for print/pattern etc, and we have now grown quite a big back catalogue, so if you are a print company and like what you see please get in touch! Isn't it cute? :) Visit Jeego for many more e-cards!