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Showing posts from 2015

National Stationery Week 27th April - 3rd May 2015

In celebration of National Stationery Week, I am re-posting a blog post from a little while back, on the importance of traditional means of communication. In case you didn't know, the national event is on until the 3rd of May. Why not send a letter, card or postcard using traditional 'snail mail' instead of a text or tweet? Here is a sneak peek at one of my latest card designs available at the Fi&Me shop CARDS AND COMMUNICATION Last Saturday morning a postcard addressed to my 2 year daughter fluttered onto our door mat. It was from her Aunty and Uncle (or Aunty and Ankle as she calls them!) How exciting! Although not addressed to me, this card was right up my street – the star of the postcard being a teddy bear in various locations around Cornwall (check out my Monkey Tour blog post). This image whisked me back to my childhood, remembering that Lucy always used to like sending these kinds of postcards to her school friends. D...

Fabby Doodle Drawing Workshops

This is just a really quick post to let you know about my business Fabby Doodle where I run art, craft and drawing workshops. I have spruced up the website so just wanted to post the link on here. As always I welcome constructive feedback, and would also love to know if there's anything I can help you with drawing-wise :) Have a great day, Fi x

Fall In Love With Your Process...

I'm in the really early stages of creating a new body of work and thought I'd share a glimpse at what I'm doing. I'm not sure which direction I'm going in with these yet but having fun creating and approaching my work from a slightly different angle.  There I was busily drawing cats ( because it just felt right) and all of a sudden these little faces started appearing. They are inspired by my children Charlotte and Fern. I'm also returning to pencil (I had sort if forgotten about pencil but I think I'm falling in love again) and really enjoying it! It's the small things folks...the small things! ;) Hope you like this little sneak peek and I'll update the blog with my progress as it happens. Have a lovely day :) Fi x

Find The Essence!

 Cute cat brooch by Lucy for fi&me   "Rooted in drawing is the desire to create..."  If, like me, you are on a creative journey, you might want to ponder this question? Is being creative essentially about finding the essence of what you love to do? For me the drive to create has always been found in drawing. Whatever medium I use to craft and create this is where I always return. For the most part, it feels like home. But it can feel, on occasion, a slightly scary place because it is exposing. What if I'm found out?   That my human characters aren't perfectly figurative, that proportions might be out? That really I'm not THAT good! Aaargh! See how quickly self-doubt can escalate! Ha! (Quickly beats those 'mind monkeys' off with a stick!) I truly believe that practicing, and more importantly, enjoying the process of honing a skill is the key to being successful at it, regardless of the end result. When Lucy and I st...