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Showing posts from January, 2019

Let Go - What Does It Really Mean?

Letting Go So You Can Be Who You Came Here To BE: So, letting go! This is purely the definition as I understand it in this moment in time.  It has taken me a long time to be able to understand how to 'let go' and what it really even means. It's a term we hear banded about all over the place and considering the education branch of my business is called Let Go & Sell Art, it's about time I got this straight in my own mind! Ha!  For me though, 'Letting Go' has been a movable feast, letting go without really letting go, and a gradual process. I'm a hanger-on-er, an over thinker, a what-iff-er! What has just hit me, however, is this statement: I LOVE to write! And bare with me, there is a link. I didn't always, and it hasn't always flown so easily. I have this blog to thank for the fact that writing has become an important part of my job and my practice as an artist. Just as important as drawing.  You see, the thing is that I ...

Narwhal Always Love You

Here's a little look at some Valentine's Day products I currently have stocked in my shop. These fun, hand painted decorations say everything you need to tell your special someone just how you feel. Available now along with some other nautical themed gifts in my shop. Link at top of page xx

Surface Pattern Design