Above images by Fiona Meakin 2011 (copyright) Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2012! 2011 has been a productive and busy year, and one where I feel I have developed a way of working that is more disciplined than perhaps it was previously. I have found that I have cycles of productivity, so draw when I feel compelled to, which in turn produces ideas and designs for products such as toys, badges, homewares etc. I think I am making moves in the right direction of becoming a full time artist (or at least even more of a part-time one!). I have begun to sell prints of my illustrations through Chorlton Arts Festival Shop, developed a more coherent range of soft toy characters and begun to send my work out to publishers. At Fi & Me HQ we have upped our presence at craft fairs as intended, taken steps towards becoming self-employed, designed our branding, packaging and ethos. Lucy has master minded the business plan, built a website...