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Showing posts from September, 2010

Little Star

Workshop coming soon...

Make your own Christmas fairy/angel for the top of your tree and if time a variety of decorations using everyday items! Interested? this space for more information. Whoops - I forgot to colour in the Y!


I came across these drawings whilst I was looking in old note/sketch pads for lesson plans yesterday. I drew them when I was playing the part of Eva Braun in a play at University. Neither picture accurately resembles Eva Braun facially, but somehow I think the top picture encapsulates how she wanted to (but could never) be viewed - an icon.


I was interviewed this week by my local newspaper. They are running a story on my rhino and other artistic enterprises, so I took the opportunity to take a photo of my studio space (which is infact the corner of my spare room). I am very lucky to have this extra space. The cat is my latest recycled creation. Also, I've just realised that my blog is just over two years old. That makes it a toddler in the grand scheme of things! For me, having a blog is important in order to track the process of creating ideas. The end product isn't always in the direction you thought your work would take.